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Waves of Darkness UPDATED
4–6 September 2021 | M/S BALTIC QUEEN
Welcome aboard M/S Baltic Queen and most likely the first festival in a good while!
As promised earlier we have now decided that we are willing to take the chance and set sails despite the fact that the world’s still burning. The trade-off is that in order to have the festival happen we are forced to reduce the capacity to about half of the previous edition as well as this will be a 100% sitting crowd event, thus respecting the restrictions regarding the space between seats and so on.
Please note that the departure date has also changed, and the departure is now one day later. If you have already purchased your tickets, you should have received an email by now with a new confirmation for the updated departure. Lastly, we would like to thank you for your continued support especially in these strange times, when everything around us is so uncertain!
You may choose between different cabin categories, prices vary depending on how many people share a cabin, with or without sea view.
Prices start
at 1200 SEK* (116 EUR)
*4 people
sharing Economy Class cabin.
All prices include accommodation and access to the festival venue.
Booking info
Book online or by telephone
Call: +46 (0)8-666 33 33
Official Facebook event:
Complete line-up in alphabetical order:
Harakiri for the Sky till Stockholm
Den 4:e mars 2022 får vi äran att välkomna tillbaka till Stockholm ett av Österrikes mest framgångsrika metal-band Harakiri For the Sky.
Som support kommer vi se Dalarnas October Tide och Netherbird från Stockholm.
Denna konsert kommer att framföras med sittande publik om restriktionerna inte hävs innan dess.
Vi ses på Slaktkyrkan fredag den 4:e mars!
Waves of Darkness II
A 40 HOURS FESTIVAL CRUISE TO TALLINN Following the cruise last year, it took about three or four months for the thank-you emails to stop coming in. Since the birth of Death Disco Productions back in June 2016, we have organised 55 shows – none, not even Stockholm Slaughter, has garnered anywhere near the amount of positive feedback this event did. Once again, thank you kindly for all the response and feedback!
These are strange days we live in, and now, more than ever, we are learning to appreciate the times when live music can bring people together. After careful consideration, we decided to give it another shot – on the condition that we could offer our followers a new destination. This has now been accomplished. We have charted a seafaring route and confirmed its score. As such, it is our distinct pleasure to invite you to the second edition of Waves of Darkness!
Provided that the restrictions pertaining to the pandemic allow for it, we set sail from Stockholm on the 3rd of September 2021. Should the event be postponed, you will be able to choose between either a full refund or using the ticket for the new festival date. The official pre-party will be announced later next year.
Welcome aboard M/S Baltic Queen!
You may choose between different cabin categories, prices vary depending on how many people share a cabin, with or without sea view. Presale starts on Monday the 2nd of November.
Prices start at 1200 SEK* (116 EUR) /person
*4 people sharing Economy Class cabin.
All prices include access to the festival venue.
Booking info
Book online or by telephone (use code BLACK)
Call: +46 (0)8-666 33 33
Heilung kommer till Sverige
Heilung beskrivs bäst som ett fenomen eller ett experimentellt konstnärskap snarare än ett band. Sedan starten år 2014 har de sålt ut ett flertal arenor och släppt tre studioalbum.
4 november: Annexet, Stockholm
Musiken innehåller gott om tydliga nordiska influenser men medlemmarna föredrar att beskriva den som ”amplifierad historia från norra Europa under tidig medeltid”. En av bandets grundare, Faust, nämnde i en intervju att ”tanken är att lyssnaren ska känna harmoni och avslappning efter en magisk musikresa som är bitvis turbulent”.
4 november 2021 äger Heilungs Sverigedebut rum – varmt välkommen att ansluta dig till en minnesvärd afton full av magi.
Konserten presenteras av Triffid And Danger Concerts och Death Disco Productions.
Primordial och Moonsorrow till Sverige!
Det irländska folkinspirerade black-metal bandet Primordial och det finska pagan metal-bandet Moonsorrow kommer i vår till Sverige för två konserter under turnénamnet The Third Heathen Crusade och som support en av våra favoritartister, ROME (Jerome Reuter).
25 april: Valand, Göteborg
26 april: Slaktkyrkan, Stockholm
Primordial bildades 1987 i den irländska staden Skerries. Det dröjde ända till 1995 tills de albumdebuterade med sedan dess har de släppt flera plattor med sin egen form av black-metal där deras irländska rötter märks tydligt. De spelade senast i Sverige i somras när de gjorde succé på Gefle Metal Festival.
Helsingfors bandet Moonsorrow vill själva att musiken ska kallas hednisk metal. Med texter huvudsakligen på det finska språket är Moonsorrow ett band utöver det vanliga.
Bandet Rome från Luxemburg blir öppningsband och kompletterar därmed turnélineupen.
Konserterna presenteras av Death Disco Productions och Triffid And Danger Concerts.
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