Author Archives: Death Disco Productions
Cult of Fire till Stockholm
I samarbete med Obscure Promotion kan vi annonsera att den enda Sverigespelningen med tjeckiska black metal-bandet Cult Of Fire under 2020 äger rum på Hus 7, onsdag den 29:e april! Biljetterna släpps fredag den 29:e november.
Marduk, Attic, Unlight i Göteborg
Antagonistiskt djävulskap sprunget ur första generationen skandinavisk black metal; Norrköpingsättade Marduk förblir ohotade i sin position som Sveriges ledande svartmetallband. I kölvattnet av fjortonde fullängdsalbumet, Viktoria, har Marduk trampat såväl segerrikt som kompromisslöst fram över både huvudstad och hemmaplan – nu tar de sikte på västkusten för ett exklusivt Sverigedatum på denna turné.
3 black metal gig att avsluta året med
Torsdag 19 december Valkyrja, Sargeist, Mortuus i Oslo
Fredag 20 december Valkyrja, Sargeist, Mortuus i Göteborg
Lördag 21 december Valkyrja, Sargeist, Mortuus i Stockholm
Biljettsläpp imorgon kl. 10:00!
Mycket har hänt sedan Valkyrja senast besökte nordens klubbscener – nytt album och ny sättning. Sist Stockholmskvartetten beträdde en svensk scen var på Gefle Metal, en spelning som resolut bekräftade att bandet nu återvänder med full kraft. Året avslutas med en Skandinavienturné som fokuserar på fjolårets skiva, Throne Ablaze. Till råga på allt firar bandet 15 år!
Sargeist har nu levererat förstklassig och hänsynslös black metal i två decennier. Ett välrenommerat namn från den finska extremmetalscenen som äntligen korsar Östersjön för att sprida sin senaste förbannelse, 2018 års Unbound.
Som öppningsakt ser vi norrländska Mortuus, ett band som spelat black metal i den satanisk-kliffotiska traditionen sedan 2003.
Important information for WAVES OF DARKNESS ON THE BALTIC SEA
- The festival takes place on the cruise boat M/S Romantika that departs from Stockholm – Värtahamnen
- The check-in opens at 1 PM and closes at 4 PM and you may check in at the counters
- The boarding starts at 3 PM and ends at 4:15 PM
- Please plan your journey accordingly so you may get to the terminal in good time
The address to the Värtahamnen terminal is:
Hamnpirsvägen 10, 11574 Stockholm
Keep in mind the time-zone difference between Stockholm and Riga. As you may leave the ship when it arrives in Riga please return in due time before the ship is scheduled to depart. You have to be back on the boat on Sunday by 5:00 PM (Latvian time).
More information available here
At the terminal: As you probably know, the cruise is sold out. There are no spare tickets at the box office. In order to access the festival, you have to show a valid ticket (the pdf-file that you received from Tallink Silja) as well as a valid national ID/passport. Driver’s license is not accepted! Receipts, order confirmations or anything else than valid tickets will not be accepted. Upon checking-in you will receive a wristband that will be your festival ticket for the rest of the weekend. The boarding card that you will receive is also your cabin key.
It is absolutely forbidden to bring any sharp objects, harmful liquids or any kind of weapons (including tear-gas spray). Bringing alcohol or food is also strictly prohibited.
Onboard the ship – M/S Romantika: The cruise ship has several restaurants onboard and a duty-free shop. You may not bring alcohol purchased in the duty free into the festival venue. All shops and bars accept debit and credit cards. For more information about the ship, please check here
Cameras and luggage: System cameras are allowed, but you are not allowed to bring into the concert hall any kind of backpacks or bags for your camera. Camera accessories, including camera bags should be left in the cabin. We appreciate if you limit the use of your phone/camera to film or take pictures during performances. It would be most considerate of you to think of the other fellow festival attendees and enjoy the shows together. NO FLASH!
The venue: Starlight, the concert venue, has two bars: one on the main floor and one on the balcony. Access to the venue is possible from deck 6 and 7 on the left side only. Exit is possible on deck 6 and 7, on the right side. In case of emergency all entrances can be used as exits.
Smoking: Smoking is only permitted in designated areas. Smoking in the cabins is forbidden.
Security: Our goal is to make this a pleasant experience for everybody while also complying with strict rules and regulations. Aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated. Please report it to the security guards. If you or anybody around you is feeling unwell, contact the security staff and they will show you to the ship’s doctor.
Merchandise: The merchandise area is on deck 7, in the concert hall. Opening hours: Saturday 6.30 PM – 1.00 AM (Swedish time) and Sunday 6.00 PM – 2.00 AM (Latvian time)
Merchandise can only be paid in cash, EUR or SEK only: 1 EUR = 10 SEK.
There is no ATM machine onboard the ship so please make your cash withdrawals in advance. We recommend people interested in buying festival merchandise, to do so already on Saturday as the festival merchandise is limited.
Pre-party: On Friday the 13th there will be an official pre-party at Nalen Klubb. To access the pre-party you will need a separate ticket that can still be purchased following the link. Opening hours for the pre-party: 8 PM to 1:00 AM.
See you on the Baltic Sea!
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